I inquired with the organizing group and as a panelist, they agreed to offer a registration discount to my contacts. You, and anyone in your group can register at the Early Bird rate (even though it has already expired – just select that option when you register), a $75 discount.
Currently scheduled to take place in 40 cities across 31 countries, these conferences will provoke debate on existing ADR tools and techniques, stimulate new ideas, and generate actionable data on what dispute resolution users actually need and want, both locally and globally.
Because California has always been on the leading edge of innovation in ADR work and in developing commercial mediation, our input into this global project is important, and will carry a lot of weight in the final policy recommendations that come out of the global report.
Named for Dean Roscoe Pound (Harvard and UCLA law schools), the results of the GPC Series will be used to produce a global report that will examine the current status of ADR and access to justice around the world.
Judge Dorothy Nelson (ret.), will be our key note speaker. I hope you will join us for a very different, and wonderful event.
Global Pound Conference: Los Angeles 2017
6.5 Hours of CA MCLE Credit Thursday, March 16,2017
8:00 AM - 6:15 PM
USC Gould School of Law 699 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90089
Register: http://losangeles2017.globalpoundconference.org/attend/register-here#.WI-xb1MrKpo
David Geffen is a...
ADA Mediator • Reasonable Accommodation Mediator • FEHA Mediator • FHA Mediator • Employment & Housing Mediator • Wage & Hour Mediator • IDEA Mediator • Serious Personal Injury Mediator • Contract Dispute Mediator • Civil Rights Mediator • Real Property Mediator • Partnership Disputes Mediator • Business Disputes Mediator • ADA Expert • Reasonable Accommodation Expert