More trustworthy, honest, and sincere
More warm and personable
More attractive and likeable
More qualified, skilled, and competent
More confident and emotionally stable
Added to the sense of intimacy and a leftover feeling that the interaction was positive and you may just realize that there is no part of your life that wouldn’t benefit from this.
It’s easy to understand why mediators sometimes rely on face to face exchanges to push through an impasse in negotiations. The effect is lost though if the addressee appears bored or distracted - so it may be necessary to ask the recipient to look at the person who is speaking and to expect the same courtesy.
Funny thing about this - it’s almost impossible to sustain anger when you’re looking at another person face to face for five minutes, even if nothing is said. Try it the next time you’re fighting with someone. Warning: this exercise often leads to deep empathy and warmth even when you don’t know the other person.
Next installment… Mediation – The Perfect First Date?