As I prepare for my next class of students at Loyola Law School, I thought I’d find out what you, the mediatees, are thinking. Please help my students better understand litigators’ needs by responding with your answers to three short questions:
1. What do you want most from your mediator? (Please choose only 3 of the following)
A. Knowledge of the subject matter
B. Creative solutions to help settle
C. Tenacity about getting an agreement
D. Low key, low-pressure
E. Patience with the process
F. Wades deep into the facts
G. Provides his/her opinion on settlement value
2. Where do you prefer to get your mediator? (Please choose only 2 of the following)
E. Judicate West
F. Solo Mediation practice
3. The most optimal time to mediate is? (Please choose only 1 of the following)
A. At the outset of litigation
B. After significant discovery
C. Right before trial
On behalf of my students, I thank you.
David Geffen is a...
ADA Mediator • Reasonable Accommodation Mediator • FEHA Mediator • FHA Mediator • Employment & Housing Mediator • Wage & Hour Mediator • IDEA Mediator • Serious Personal Injury Mediator • Contract Dispute Mediator • Civil Rights Mediator • Real Property Mediator • Partnership Disputes Mediator • Business Disputes Mediator • ADA Expert • Reasonable Accommodation Expert